Right view in the Buddha's principles of Education: Its Relevance to the Present
Ratna Rani Das
Published Date : 01-Jan-2023
সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা
Vol. 40 No. 1 (2023)
ISSN 1562-269X
Arya Ashtavidha Marg, often known as the Noble Eightfold Paths, is one of the principles of Buddha's education. The right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration, are these paths according to order. The first path is the Right View or 'Samyak Drishti '. 'Samyak' denotes fact or reality and 'Drishti' refers the way of thinking. So 'Samyak Drishti' refers the precise or correct foresight. It explains the right and wrong. Correct knowledge of actions performed by body (kaya), sentence (vaka), and mind (mana) are also called the Rright View (Samyak Drishti).It has a crucial impact on social development. Through the Right View, one can accurately comprehend about the acts and consequences. The Four Noble Truths (Chari Arya Satya) of Buddha’s can be properly understood. It is also possible to distinguish between actions that are skillful and those that are not. Thoughts will always be wonderful if the views are majestic and truthful. The harmony and goodwill among people in the family, society, and state arise from having the Right View. Its effective use can lead to the alleviation of a number of worldly sufferings. The main goal of the Right View (Samyak Drishti) as advised by Buddha is to eliminate misunderstandings. Not only that, the Right View also plays a role in beautiful life and sustainable development.
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